I have a question for those of you who drink too much on work nights�

How the hell do you function the next day?


This morning, I had my triple espresso, I had a nutritious breakfast, I took my vitamins and I�m drinking my water�

And I still feel like C-R-A-P. My head is protesting. My stomach is protesting. My coordination is on strike.

I�m about five minutes away from resorting to the hair of the dog that bit me.

To give you an idea of where my head is�

I sleep with a stuffed rabbit named Mr. Bunny. (Shut up.) This morning when I woke up, I patted Mr. Bunny�s tummy and said good morning to him thinking he was my cat.

Then I put my shirt on inside out and walked out of the house with two different shoes on.

Go Molly!

I really need to stay away from McTough Guy�s house on work nights.

Despite feeling like complete and utter crap, I have a smile on my face. Everything makes sense now and I just love it.

All day today I�ve been thinking in quotes, clich�s and song lyrics. The way I�ve been quoting Edith Piaf, I half expect her to pick up the phone and call me this afternoon�

Non, je ne regrette rien�

No white flag above my door...
February 01, 2005 1:25 p.m.

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